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Hookable Middleware

Out of the box, the Hookable middleware is already included, this allows for the registration of hooks using the Hook_Loader class. As each class that is passed through the registration process is constructed via the Container class, you can also inject any dependencies you need into your class.

Hookable (Interface)

Hookable is a simple interface with a single method public function register(Hook_Loader $loader): void, this allows you to create classes which can register() method calls using the Hook_Loader

class Events_Post_Table_Controller implements Hookable {

   private const TICKETS_SOLD_COLUMN = 'tickets_sold';

    * Gives us access to our events
    * @var Event_Repository
   protected $events;
    * Create controller with the event repository injected
    * We can then use the repository to handle all of our basic set/get
    * interactions with the post type.
    * @param Event_Repository $events Access to events
   public function __construct( Event_Repository $events ) {
      $this->events = $events;
      * Register all hooks
      * @param Hook_Loader $loader
      * @return void
    public function register( Hook_Loader $loader ): void {
      $loader->action( "manage_{$this->events->cpt_key}_posts_columns", [$this, 'add_columns'] );
      $loader->action( "manage_{$this->events->cpt_key}_posts_custom_column", [$this, 'render_tickets_sold_cell'], 10, 2 );
      * Add additional columns to post table.
      * @param array $columns Current columns.
      * @return array
     public function add_columns( array $columns ): array {
       $columns[self::TICKETS_SOLD_COLUMN] = __( 'Sold', 'my_plugin' );
       return $columns;
      * Populates the custom columns cell.
      * @param string $column Column being called from.
      * @param int $post_id The post being displayed.
      * @return void
     public function render_tickets_sold_cell( string $column, int $post_id ): void {
       if( $column === self::TICKETS_SOLD_COLUMN ){

Once a class has been created, its just a case of adding the class to the registration array found in config/registration.php

As all classes which are added to the registration array are called when the app is initialised (on init with a priority of 1). You can also register other WP fixtures such as Post_Types, Taxonomies etc.

class CPT_Manager implements Hookable {

  protected App_Config $config;

   public function __construct(App_Config $config){
      $this->config = $config;

   // Used to call other methods
   public function register(Hook_Loader $loader): void{

   // Registers the movies post type on init
   protected function register_movies_post_type(): void{
         'labels' => [
               'name' => __( 'Movies' ),
               'singular_name' => __( 'Movie' )
         'public' => true,
         'has_archive' => true,
         'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'movies'),
         'show_in_rest' => true,

In the above example, we can just invoke the register_post_type function as we are already on the init call.