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The following is a collection of Libraries which while not been explicitly created for Perique, can be used or are often used as dependencies for Perique Modules

Pixie WPDB

An expressive, query builder for WordPRess it can also be referred as a Database Abstraction Layer. Pixie WPDB supports WPDB ONLY and it takes care of query sanitization, table prefixing and many other things with a unified API.
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A classic PHP Collection class which allows for working with Indexed and Sequential arrays with an OOP approach. Also allows for basic Generic’s with use of Typed Collections.
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Table Builder

A table schema definition and an extendable table builder. Comes with a WPDB and DB_Delta() implementation for WordPress. used in Perique Migrations
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A simple, fluent API for enqueueing and registering scripts and styles. Allows for simpler enqueuing, inline rendering and denoting for either deferred or async loading.
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An OOP representation of a WP Nonce
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Hook Loader

A class based loader for WP Hooks and Shortcodes. This is used as part of Periques core and used as part of the registration process.
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PSR16 Cache

Provides both WP Transient and WP FileSystem (Direct) implementation to PSR16`s CacheInterface.
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acts a wrapper for the Nyholm\Psr7 and Nyholm\Psr7Server libraries and gives a few helper methods. You can easily create and emit either Responses that extend WP_HTTP_RESPONSE or implements ResponseInterface
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Rest Schema

Defining valid JSON rest schema in WordPress is a little messy and easy to make a mistake with it being lots of nested arrays. This library attempts to make this process cleaner and simpler with a fully fluent, object driven interface.
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WPUnit Helpers

Collection of helper functions, classes and traits for using WPUnit.
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Function Constructors

This library provides a small selection of functions for making functional programming a little cleaner and easier in php.
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