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Perique - Plugin Life Cycle

A module for the PinkCrab Perique Framework which makes it easy to add subscribers which are triggered during various events within a plugins life cycle(Activation, Deactivation, Uninstall etc)

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WordPress 5.9 Test Suite [PHP7.4-8.1] WordPress 6.0 Test Suite [PHP7.4-8.1] WordPress 6.1 Test Suite [PHP7.4-8.2] WordPress 6.2 Test Suite [PHP7.4-8.2]

codecov Scrutinizer Code Quality Maintainability

Perique Plugin Framework 2.0.*
Wordpress 5.9+ (tested from WP5.9 to WP6.2)
PHP 7.4+ (tested from PHP7.4 to PHP8.2)


Makes for a simple OOP approach to handling WordPress Plugin Life Cycle events such as Activation, Deactivation and Uninstallation.

Connects to an existing instance of the Perique Plugin Framework to make use of the DI container and other shared services. (Please note due to the way these hooks are fired, you may not have full access to your DI Custom Rules, please read below for more details.)


To install, you can use composer

$ composer require pinkcrab/perique-plugin-lifecycle

Installing the Module

This must be bootstrapped with Perique to be used. This can easily be done on your main plugin file.

// file ../wp-content/plugins/acme_plugin/plugin.php

// Boot the app as normal
$app = (new App_Factory())
        fn(Plugin_Life_Cycle $module): Plugin_Life_Cycle => $module
            ->plugin_base_file(__FILE__) // Optional

You can either pass the plugin_base_file as the path to the main plugin file, or if left empty will assume its the file used to create the app instance.

All events can be passed as there class name, should be full namespace, or as a string of the class name.

Event Types

There are 3 events which you can write Listeners for. Each of these listeners will implement an interface which requires a single run() method.


All classes must implement the PinkCrab\Plugin_Lifecycle\State_Event\Activation interface.

class Create_Option_On_Activation implements Activation {
    public function run(): void{
        update_option('plugin_activated', true);

This would then be run whenever the plugin is activated


All classes must implement the PinkCrab\Plugin_Lifecycle\State_Event\Deactivation interface.

These events will fail silently when called, so if you wish to catch and handle any errors/exceptions, this should be done within the events run method.

class Update_Option_On_Deactivation implements Deactivation {
    public function run(): void{
            update_option('plugin_activated', false);
        } catch( $th ){
            Something::send_some_error_email("Deactivation event 'FOO' threw exception during run()", $th->getMessage());

This would then be run whenever the plugin is deactivated


All classes must implement the PinkCrab\Plugin_Lifecycle\State_Event\Uninstall interface.

We automatically catch any exceptions and silently fail. If you wish to handle this differently, please catch them in your own code.

class Delete_Option_On_Uninstall implements Uninstall {
    public function run(): void{
        } catch( $th ){
            // Do something rather than let it be silently caught above!

This would then be run whenever the plugin is uninstalled


The events are triggered before the init hook is called, so Perique is only partially booted when these are run. This means that you will have access to the DI_Container and App_Config but only custom rules that have been added directly, any rules added via 3rd parties using hooks, will not be available. Try to make events as simple as possible to avoid errors.


It is possible to create other modules which can be used to add additional events and trigger other actions both before and after the finalise() method is called. This is useful if you wish to add additional events, or trigger other actions.

Adding events

You can use the Plugin_Life_Cycle::STATE_EVENTS filter to add additional methods.

Const Plugin_Life_Cycle::STATE_EVENTS = ‘PinkCrab\Plugin_Lifecycle\State_Events’

    function( array $events ): array {
        $events[] = SomeEvent::class;
        return $events;

You can also use the Plugin_Life_Cycle::EVENT_LIST filter to add additional events, after they have been constructed with the DI container.

Const Plugin_Life_Cycle::EVENT_LIST = ‘PinkCrab\Plugin_Lifecycle\Event_List’

    function( array $events ): array {
        $events[] = new SomeEventInstance();
        $events[] = $this->container->create(SomeOtherInstance::class);
        return $events;

Triggering actions before finalise

You can use the Plugin_Life_Cycle::PRE_FINALISE filter to trigger actions before the finalise() method is called.

Const Plugin_Life_Cycle::PRE_FINALISE = ‘PinkCrab\Plugin_Lifecycle\Pre_Finalise’

    function( Plugin_Life_Cycle $module ): void {
        // Do something before finalise is called.

Triggering actions after finalise

You can use the Plugin_Life_Cycle::POST_FINALISE filter to trigger actions after the finalise() method is called.

Const Plugin_Life_Cycle::POST_FINALISE = ‘PinkCrab\Plugin_Lifecycle\Post_Finalise’

    function( Plugin_Life_Cycle $module ): void {
        // Do something after finalise is called.

Change Log

  • 2.0.1 - Reintroduced the getting the base path from the plugin file, if not defined (thanks @hibernius) and updated dev dependencies.
  • 2.0.0 - Updated for Perique V2 and implements the new Module system.
  • 1.0.0 - skipped
  • 0.2.1 - Updated dev dependencies and GH pipeline.
  • 0.2.0 - Improved the handling of Uninstall events and updated all dev dependencies.
  • 0.1.1 - Added get_app() to main controller
  • 0.1.0 - Inital version