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Collection Class Documentation



While not included in the base instance of the Perique Framework, the PinkCrab Collection class is used in many of the Modules that can be added. This can also be added to any php project and is compatible with php7.1+


$ composer require pink-crab/collection



Public Methods

Collection consists of the following methods.


@param array∣void $data
@return New Collection

You can create a collection either by using the constructor or the static constructor.
An array can be passed to either.

$collection = new Collection(['your','data']);
// OR
$collection = Collection::from(['your','data']);


A callback can be applied to every element in the collection. This works like map(), but rather than returning a new Collection, apply is just applied to the current data.

@param callable $function
function(mixed $value): mixed {…}
@return Existing Collection

$collection = Collection::from([1,2,3,4]);

$collection->apply(fn($e) => $e*2);

var_dump($collection); // 2,4,6,8


A callback can be applied to all items in a collection, then a new collection is returned with the new values. If the Collection is extended, it will return a new instance of the extended class.

@param callable $function
function(mixed $value): mixed {…}
@return New Collection

$initial_collection = Collection::from([1,2,3,4]);
$new_collection = $initial_collection->map(fn($e) => $e*2);

var_dump($initial_collection); // 1,2,3,4
var_dump($new_collection); // 2,4,6,8


A callback can be used to perform a foreach loop of the data. The callback takes both $value and $key and a return value is not required/ignored.

@param callable $function
function(mixed $value, int∣string $key): void {…}
@return Existing Collection

$collection = Collection::from(['A' => 'Apple', 'B' => 'Banana', 'C' => 'Cat']);
$collection->each(function($value, $key){
    echo "{$key} is for {$value} \n";

// Output
A is for Apple 
B is for Banana 
C is for Cat 


The collection can be filtered into a new collection. It uses the regular array_filter under the hood and allows the use of its additional flags.

@param callable $function
function(mixed $value∣value [, int∣string $key], int $mode = 0): bool {…}
@return New Collection

$initial_collection = Collection::from([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]);
$filtered_collection = $initial_collection->filter(function( $e ) {
	return $e % 2 === 0;
var_dump($filtered_collection); // 2, 4, 6, 8

// Using both flag.
$with_both = $initial_collection->filter(function( $value, $key ) {
	return $key % 2 === 0;
var_dump($with_both); // 1, 3, 5, 7


Any array or other existing collection can be merged, resulting in a new collection instance.

@param array∣Collection $data
@return New Collection

$first = Collection::from([1,2,3,4]);
$second = Collection::from([5,6,7,8]);

$merged = $first->merge($second);
echo $merged->join(); // 12345678

// With array.
echo $merged->merge([9,10,11,12,13])->join('-');


Applies a filter to reduce the contents of the collection to a single value. Uses array_reduce under the hood and its callback has the same arguments. ($carry, $value).

By default, the initial value is an empty string, but this can be set as the send parameter.

@param callable $function
function(mixed $carry, mixed $value): mixed {…}
@param mixed $inital
@return Existing Collection

$collection = Collection::from([1,2,3,4]);
echo $collection->reduce(function($carry, $value){
		$carry .= ( $value * 2 );
		return $carry;
}, ''); // 2468


Adds items to the tail/end of the internal array. The item is added without declaring the index. Single or multiple values can be added.

@param mixed …$data
@return Existing Collection

$collection = new Collection();
echo $collection->join('-'); // 1-2-3-4-5


Adds items to the head/start of the internal collection. The item is added without declaring the index. Single or multiple values can be added.

@param mixed …$data
@return Existing Collection

$collection = new Collection([1,2,3]);
echo $collection->join(','); // -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3


Returns and removes the last item from the collection.

@return mixed

$collection = new Collection([1,2,3]);
echo $collection->pop(); // 1
echo $collection->join(','); // 2,3


Returns and removes the first item from the collection

@return mixed

$collection = new Collection([1,2,3]);
echo $collection->shift(); // 3
echo $collection->join(','); // 1,2


Returns the underlying array.

@return array

$collection = new Collection([1,2,3]);
var_dump(is_array($collection->to_array())); //true


Searches for a single value or ALL from a set of values, within the collection. If searching for an object, it will only return the same instance, not the same type. Returns the

@param mixed …$values
@return bool

$collection = new Collection([1,2,3]);
$collection->contains(1); // true
$collection->contains(2,3); // true
$collection->contains(2,3,4); // false


Checks if the collection is empty or not.

@return bool

$collection = new Collection();
$collection->is_empty(); // true
$collection->is_empty(); // false


Joins the contents of the collection, assumes all elements can be treated as a string.

@param string $glue (defaults to blank string)
@return string

$collection = new Collection([9,10,11,12,13]);
echo $collection->join(); // 910111213
echo $collection->join('-'); // 9-10-11-12-13


Returns the count of items in the collection.
This method implements the Countable interface

@return int

$collection = new Collection([9,10,11,12,13]);
echo $collection->count(); // 5

// As the collection implements countable.
echo count($collection); // 5


Clears the internal array and returns the same instance.

@return Existing Collection

$collection = new Collection([9,10,11,12,13]);
echo $collection->count(); // 5


Does a copy of the existing collection, to a new instance (new static())

@return New Collection

$collection = new Collection([1,2,3]);
$copy_collection = $collection->copy();
var_dump($collection); // 1,2,3
var_dump($copy_collection); // 1,2,3
var_dump($collection === $copy_collection); //false


Sorts the internal array using either natsort() or usort(). The same instance is returned after sorting, if you wish to create a new instance, see sorted()

@param callable∣null $function
@return Existing Collection

$collection = Collection::from( array( 'a', 'z', 'f', 'y', 'o' ) );

// By passing no comparator function, natsort() is used.
var_dump($collection); // a, f, o, y, z

// A custom comparator can be passed
  function( $a, $b ) {
     return $b <=> $a;
var_dump($collection); // z,y,o,f,a


Sorts the contents of the collection using sort() above, but returns a new collection instance.

@param callable∣null $function
@return New Collection

$collection = Collection::from( array( 'a', 'z', 'f', 'y', 'o' ) );
$sorted = $collection->sorted();
var_dump($sorted); // a, f, o, y, z
// inital collection will still be as it was.
var_dump($collection); // a, z, f, y, o


Creates a new Collection instance with sub collection. The length can be supplied or not, if not supplied will use the length of the current collection as the $limit value

@param int $offset
@param int∣null $length
@return New Collection

$collection = Collection::from( array( 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 ) );
$first_half = $collection->slice(5);
var_dump($first_half); // 1,2,3,4,5

// inital collection will still be as it was.
var_dump($collection); //  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10


Computes the difference between the existing collection and another (array or Collection). As with array_diff this only compares in 1 direction.

@param array∣collection $data
@param callable∣null $comparator
@return New Collection
@thorws TypeError if $data is not an array or collection.

$collection = Collection::from( [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] );
$diff_array = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];
$diff_collection = Collection::from( [4,5,6,7,8,9,10] );

var_dump($collection->diff($diff_array)); // 9,10
var_dump($collection->diff($diff_collection)); // 1,2,3

If either collection/array contains objects, array_udiff will be used. By default this will match objects based on the instance (not values), but an optional callback can be used.

There are 2 helper functions that can be used, these helper functions return the comparison callable, so be called directly.

  • Comparisons::by_instances() matches by instances
  • Comparisons::by_values() matches by values
$collection->diff($some_array, Comparisons::by_values());
$collection->diff($some_array, Comparisons::by_instances());


Computes the matches between the existing collection and another (array or Collection). As with array_intersect this only compares in 1 direction.

@param array∣collection $data
@param callable∣null $comparator
@return New Collection
@thorws TypeError if $data is not an array or collection.

$collection = Collection::from( [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] );
$as_array = [1,2,3,4,5,11,12,13];
$as_collection = Collection::from( [6,7,8,9,10,20,21,99] );

var_dump($collection->intersect($as_array)); // 1,2,3,4,5
var_dump($collection->intersect($as_collection)); // 6,7,8,9,10

If either collection/array contains objects, array_uintersect will be used. By default this will match objects based on the instance (not values), but an optional callback can be used.

There are 2 helper functions that can be used, these helper functions return the comparison callable, so be called directly.

  • Comparisons::by_instances() matches by instances
  • Comparisons::by_values() matches by values
$collection->intersect($some_array, Comparisons::by_instances());
$collection->intersect($some_array, Comparisons::by_values());


Groups an existing collection into sub collections (of the same type), which itself in held in a Collection that uses the Indexed trait.

@param callable $callable
@return New Indexed Collection

$collection = Collection<T>::from( [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] );
$grouped = $collection->group_by(fn($e) => $e % 2 === 0 ? 'EVEN' : 'ODD');

var_dump($grouped->as_array()); //['EVEN' => Collection<T>[2,4,6,8,10], 'ODD' => Collection<T>[1,3,5,7,9]]

// All Indexed functionlity is applied.
var_dump($grouped->has('EVEN')); //true
var_dump($grouped->has('ODD')); //true

var_dump($grouped->get('EVEN')->to_array()); // [2,4,6,8,10]
var_dump($grouped->has('ODD')); //Collection<T>[1,3,5,7,9]