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Table Builder

» Schema

» Index

» Foreign_Key

» Examples

Table Builder


Release 0.3.0


For those of you who have used DB_Delta to create tables in WordPress, to say its a bit fussy, is an understatement.

The PinkCrab Table_Builder module, makes creating you tables much easier as you have more expressive chainable API to define the schema, which can be passed to builder to create the table.

Out of the box, this package comes with the DB_Delta builder only, but thanks to the SQL_Builder interface, other table formats can be created easily.

Defining a Tables Schema

You can define a tables schema in a few different ways.


$schema_a = new Schema('my_table', function(Schema $schema){
    // Set columns
    // Set keys and indexes.

$schema_b = new Schema('my_table');
// Set columns

// Set keys and indexes.

Please note unless like previous versions, the column and index data can not be defined fluently.

Indexes and Foreign Keys

You can setup a variety of Indexes and Foreign_Key’s for your table(s). These can be set as the schema example above.


You can create index for any column of your table and denote the field as either just an index, unique, primary, full text or as a hash.


$schema_a = new Schema('my_table', function(Schema $schema){
    // Set columns
    // Set keys and indexes.

The above would generate

CREATE TABLE my_table(
    user INT(11),
    details TEXT,
    PIRMARY KEY ix_id (id),
    UNIQUE INDEX ix_user (user),
    FULLTEXT INDEX ix_details (details)

If you wish to use more than 1 column for an index, please add them as single indexes and the builder will combine. You must also set a custom keyname for all grouped indexes.

$schema = new Schema('my_table', function(Schema $schema){
    // Set columns
    // Set keys and indexes.

    $schema->index('user', 'unique_keys')->unique();
    $schema->index('details', 'unique_keys')->unique();

The above would generate the following for MYSQL

CREATE TABLE my_table(
    user INT(11),
    details TEXT,
    PRIMARY KEY ix_id (id),
    UNIQUE INDEX unique_keys (user, details)

Foreign Key

Like regular indexes, foreign keys can be assigned against a table. When the table is built, it will assume the reference table exists, so ensure that you create them in the correct order if you are creating all tables at once.


$schema = new Schema('my_table', function(Schema $schema){
    // Set columns
    // Set keys and indexes.
    $schema->foreign_key('user', 'custom_keyname')
        ->reference('users', 'id');

The above would produce for MYSQL (provided the user table exists with an ID column)

CREATE TABLE my_table(
    user INT(11),
    details TEXT,
    PIRMARY KEY ix_id (id),
    FOREIGN INDEX custom_keyname (user) REFERENCES users(id)

Creating & Droppings Tables

You can populate the builder with any engine, included in this package is the WPDB/dbDelta engine which can be used to create and drop table


$schema = new Schema('table', function(Schema $schema): void{
    ... create schema ...

// Create instance of builder with DB Delta engine.
$engine  = new DB_Delta_Engine($wpdb);
$builder = new Builder($engine);

// Create table.
    // Returns true for success, false for WPDB errors being present.
    $response = $builder->create_table($schema);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    // Do something to catch validation errors.


$schema = new Schema('table', function(Schema $schema): void{
    ... create schema ...

// Create instance of builder with DB Delta engine.
$engine  = new DB_Delta_Engine($wpdb);
$builder = new Builder($engine);

// Create table.
    // Returns true for success, false for WPDB errors being present.
    $response = $builder->drop_table($schema);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    // Do something to catch validation errors.