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A BladeOne Engine for the PinkCrab Renderable Interface.

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WP5.9 [PHP7.4-8.1] Tests WP6.0 [PHP7.4-8.1] Tests WP6.1 [PHP7.4-8.2] Tests WP6.2 [PHP7.4-8.2] Tests

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Supports and tested with the PinkCrab Perique Framework versions 2.0.*


The BladeOne implementation of the Renderable interface, allows the use of Blade within the PinkCrab Framework.


$ composer require pinkcrab/bladeone-engine

Out of the box, you can just include the BladeOne module when you are booting Perique and you will have full access to the BladeOne engine.

// Bootstrap for Perique follows as normal.. 
$app = ( new App_Factory('path/to/project/root') )
   // Rest of setup

By default the following are assumed

  • path/to/project/root/views as the view path
  • path/wp-content/uploads/blade-cache as the cache path


Just like the native PHP_Engine found with Perique, you can inject the View service into any class and use it to render a view.

class Some_Class {
      public function __construct( View $view ) {
         $this->view = $view;
      public function render_view() {
         return $this->view->render('some.path.view_name', ['data' => 'to pass']);

The above would render the template path/to/project/root/views/some/path/view_name.blade.php with access to $data in the view which would be to pass.


Would render as

<p>to pass</p>

It is fully possible to make use of the template inheritance and other blade features.

<div class="wrap">
   Some content

Configuring BladeOne

As with all other modules, BladeOne can be configured by passing a \Closure as the 2nd argument to the module() method.

// Bootstrap for Perique follows as normal..
$app = ( new App_Factory('path/to/project/root') )
   ->module(BladeOne::class, function( BladeOne $blade ) {
      // Module config.
         ->compiled_path('path/to/custom/cache'); // Fluent API for chaining.
      $blade->mode( BladeOne::MODE_DEBUG );

      // BladeOne_Engine config.
      $blade->config( function( BladeOne_Engine $engine  {
         // See all methods below.
            ->directive('test', fn($e) =>'test'); // Fluent API for chaining.
         $engine->allow_pipe( false ); 

      // Ensure you return the instance.
      return $blade;
   // Rest of setup
Compact BladeOne Config

It is possible to do the Module config in a much more concise fashion, using the fluent API and PHP Arrow functions

```php $app = ( new App_Factory('path/to/project/root') ) ->default_config() ->module(BladeOne::class, fn( BladeOne $blade ) => $blade ->template_path('path/to/custom/views') ->compiled_path('path/to/custom/cache') ->mode( BladeOne::MODE_DEBUG ) ->config( fn( BladeOne_Engine $engine ) => $engine ->set_compiled_extension('.php') ->directive('test', fn($e) =>'test') ->allow_pipe( false ) ) ) ->boot(); ``` You can also hold the config in its own class and use that. ```php /** Some Class */ class BladeOneConfig { public function __invoke( BladeOne $blade ): BladeOne { return $blade // The setup. } } $app = ( new App_Factory('path/to/project/root') ) ->default_config() ->module(BladeOne::class, new BladeOneConfig() ) ->boot(); ```

BladeOne_Module Config

You can call the following methods on the BladeOne Module to configure the BladeOne Module.

BladeOne_Engine Config

You can call the following methods on the BladeOne_Engine to configure the BladeOne_Engine.

Blade Templating

Most Blade features are present, to see the full docs please visit the EFTEC/BladeOne wiki

Included Components

Out of the box PinkCrab_BladeOne comes with the BladeOneHTML trait added, giving access all HTML components.

Magic Call Methods

The BladeOne class has a large selection of Static and regular methods, these can all be accessed from BladeOne_Engine. These can be called as follows.

// None static

// As static 

The can also be called in templates.


// Or

For the complete list of methods, please visit

Static Access

// Using the App's View method to access none static methods on the fly.

calling engine() on view, will return the underlying rendering engine used, in this case PinkCrab_BladeOne.

Of course you can set the engine it self as a global variable using $provider->share('view_helper', [App::view(), 'engine']). Then you can use {$view_helper->some_method(\$data)} in your view.


It is possible to extend BladeOne via other plugins, if you would like to add additional functionality by adding custom directives, or adding additional methods to the BladeOne_Engine class. You can do this by using the PinkCrab_BladeOne::SETUP_CONFIG action and add any additional configs such as directives.

add_action( PinkCrab_BladeOne::SETUP_CONFIG, function( PinkCrab_BladeOne $engine ) {
    $engine->directive( 'my_directive', function( $expression ) {
        return "<?php echo 'Hello World'; ?>";
    } );
} );




MIT License

Previous Perique Support

Change Log

  • 1.0.0 - Migrated over from the Perique V2 Prep branch of BladeOne_Provider.
    • New Features
    • Auth and Permissions now hooked up and based on the current user.
    • Perique V2 Module structure.
    • WP Nonce support.